Defending the Faith


“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15 NIV

Recent research showed that roughly 70% of children raised in church leave church within one year of going to university. The number one reason given for this mass exodus was intellectual scepticism. Currently, in the UK, an embarrassingly small percentage of churches are doing anything to prepare the next generation for what they will face at school or university.


The study of Christian apologetics is not learning to apologise for your faith! Apologetics is the practice of providing a reasoned defence for Christianity. At Hope City Church we teach apologetics in order to help you to be more effective at sharing the gospel with atheists, skeptics and people of other faith backgrounds.

Reasons to Believe course

Graham hosts our Reasons to Believe course, a resource for those wanting to sharpen their Christian witness.

The Course breaks down into 4 Modules:

1. REASONABLE FAITH - Featuring an introduction to apologetics and a session on the reliability of the Bible.

2. GOD vs SCIENCE - Featuring two classic logical arguments for God’s existence and a session dealing with evolution.

3. WHAT ABOUT OTHER BELIEF SYSTEMS? - Sessions on Islam, humanism/atheism and the new age.

If you are a pastor, youth or children’s worker and would like Graham to teach on some of these topics at your church, group or event click the button below to make an enquiry.

What People Are Saying

“An accessible introduction to apologetics that explores the rational basis for our faith. Seeing the evidence so clearly laid out in this course has strengthened my faith and given me the confidence to broach topics with my non-Christian friends that I would have previously shied away from. Recommend  this highly!”


— Dr. B. Olomolaiye

“As someone with 2 theology degrees, yours was the only session on homosexuality I have ever heard that was actually useful and looked at more than Leviticus 18. I have learned more in your RTB sessions than in 5 years of university re:apologetics.”

— C. Smyrell

“Graham is a very gifted  teacher.  He explains complicated stuff clearly and makes it easy to understand, but always with reference to Holy Scripture.  This particular course is well worth listening to - he really does give well-researched, logical and Biblical 'Reasons To Believe.”


— B. Maddox

Graham Phillips is senior minister of Hope City Church, Wolverhampton. Graham holds a certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University and runs the WordView Podcast, covering issues of theology, worldview and culture. He also co-hosts the Hammer & Tulip podcast, a theology and apologetics podcast with Gareth Dicks. Graham’s desire is to equip believers to be able to handle common objections to Christianity with wisdom and clarity.

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WordView Podcast

While studying Apologetics at Biola Graham started up WordView Apologetics podcast. If you’re interested in how the Christian worldview interacts with culture this podcast is for you. WordView Podcast is a companion for those looking to deepen their understanding and engage more effectively in evangelism.

Catch up on the latest sermon series or check out some of our resources, including notes and courses.

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Office hours: 9am – 3pm on Tuesday-Thursday